Simple and genuine dessert, in the Teramo tradition, it is served for breakfast on Easter morning.
Putthe flour on a surface, forming a fountain than add two eggs, sugar, oil, anise, the brewer's yeast dissolved in the milk (if you want you can add a few drops of sweet liqueur.) Work it until you get a dough with soft consistency.
Split the dough into two pieces and form a loaf with one piece and, with the other one, a cylinder of 20-25 cm length and 2-3 cm thickness. Join the two ends to make it the shape of a handle. In the middle of the loaf place an egg and stop it with a simple dough.
Leave the dough rise for about an hour and then bake it in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.
4 eggs, 200 gr. of sugar, 25 gr. of brewer's yeast, 250 gr. of dough to rise, 100 gr. of oil, 100 gr. of milk, 400 gr. of flour, a pinch of anise and, if you want, a few drops of sweet liqueur.