Minestrone alla Torricellese

Delicious soup based on vegetables and legumes typical of the Torricella cuisine.


Put the dried beans in water the night before cooking and boil them with the bones of ham, ham and pork rinds the dayafter. Once the beans are cooked, cut the pork into small pieces. Boil the herbs separately with the vegetables and, in another saucepan, bring the water to boil, add salt and cook the pasta. Mix all the cooked Ingredients and serve it hot. Enjoy your meal!


Ingredients (for 6 people)
500 gr. of dough to make pasta (cut in size and different ways), 400 gr. of dried beans, 200 gr. of lean pork, 100 gr. of pork rinds, some ham bone, 1 kg. of chard, some spinach leaves, 4-5 potatoes, 1-2 red carrots, celery, 1 bunch of chicory, ¼ of olive oil, salt to taste.
