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One of the most famous local pastries, prepared specially during the Christmas period.


Prepare the inside mixing boiled chestnuts with boiling honey, sugar, cedar, chopped chocolate, almonds, rum, lemon zest and cinnamon. Let it rest for a day.
Prepare the dough of the caggionetti kneading the flour with the oil and the white wine until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Spread the dough very thin and cut it into strips of about 10 cm wide, place at equal intervals a teaspoon of the inside. Fold the dough tocover the insidfe and cut it as well as  you prepare ravioli (see ravioli recipe). Finally fry the caggionetti in abundant boiling oil (they are cooked when they come back to the surface). Once cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar and enjoy!


1 kg. of chestnuts, a quarter of honey, 250 gr. of sugar, 100 gr. of candies, 100 gr. of grated dark chocolate, 200 gr. of toasted and ground almonds, a quarter of rum, lemon zest, ground cinnamon, 1 glass of white wine, 1 glass of oil, flour to taste.
