If you have had the opportunity to cross the precedent itinerary from "Giulianova to Teramo" or if you are on the coast, we recommend you to continue the trip to discover Tordino Valley and the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. Going out of Teramo-Mare route and continuing for SP48 you will reach Torricella Sicura (437 ms s.l.m.). In country and in the various fractions there are numerous religious buildings, among which the Parish of San Paolo Apostolo with a spellbound seventeenth-century façade and a central window, and the Church of San Pietro di Azzano, of Romanesque origin. Torricella also offers you the possibility to taste typical dishies during some summer events: Sagra del Formaggio Fritto, Sagra delle Pizzonde and Festa del Minestrone alla Torricellese (that is held in September). Besides the country is known for the traditional art of Infiorata, with the realization of suggestive carpets in shavings of colored fir devoted to sacred themes.
Crossing the SP48 from Torricella for around 26 km, you will reach Monti della Laga and more precisely Cortino (1.012 ms s.l.m.), place that, besides possessing religious buildings of important artistic interest, it allows you to effect naturalistic excursions toward the near mountains and to admire the famous woods of white fir. we signal you that from Elce departs a path denominated Abete Bianco. Among the 19 fractions of Cortino there is Padula where you can admire the Falls of the stream Malvese and to have lunch in the special equipped area. In the zone you can buy some good pecorino cheese and to taste it outside (not to lose!).
From Cortino through the Provincial Road SP47 (or continuing from Torricella along the SP48) you reach Rocca Santa Maria (1073 ms s.l.m). Here, in August, is held the 24ª edition of Festa del Fungo Porcino: an opportunity to taste the dishes of the tradition! This place is rich of woods whether to make walks and excursions on foot or by bike. A suggestion: dip yourself in the green of Martese Wood, located in Ceppo, and spend times of total thoughtlessness and relax in the middle of the nature.
Our tour ends in Valle Castellana (625 ms s.l.m), that every year entertains a suggestive demonstration among the woods "La notte delle paure", where you can rest in the hostel of Leofara. Always in this fraction in the month of October it is held Festa della Castagna: a demonstration whether to be able to taste the appreciated brown, to visit the chest nut trees wood and to see the suggestive autumn landscapes. Along the valley denominated "Castellana" are visible only ruins of ancient small fortress: the most known is Castel Manfrino near Macchia di Sole that it was owned by King Manfredi of Svezia.