The mills of Alto Tordino have a main role in the historical and cultural patrimony of the province. They are less than an about twenty and they are located a few kilometers outside Teramo. You can rediscover rests of millennial activity and they has been in operation till the end of last century. These ancient manufactured articles are perfectly set in a naturalistic context and they represent the ideal destination for an excursion, even if for the greatest part of the ancient mills, are today abandoned ruins and attainable only through mule tracks and impervious paths. Of the 18 mills of Alto Tordino, three are particularly worth to visit: the mill of Padula, the one of to two millstones of Faieto, in Cortino and the one of Fioli in Rocca Santa Maria.
Operating to the 1955.
The last owner was " De Fabiis Ulisse also called “lu 'mbienar" or " lu mulenare".In the last years (from 1950 to the 1955) De Fabiis Benito Domenico, child of Ulisse, retired, resident to Padula and actual owner of the mill, he helped his father to grind.
The mill (a studio apartment) was to an only millstone. The vault of "corriere" has partially collapsed; under, still in site, there is the tree of "ritrecine.The coverage results totally collapsed, while are still staying standing only some parts of the masonries.
The information related to the ownership and to the management of the mill are kindly been furnished by the actual owner sig. De Fabiis Benito Domenico.
It is a small mill whose only millstone was "moved" by waters of fosso Fioli, that pours on the river Tordino.
it remained in activity up to the 1967. The last owner was Tommaso Umberto and Domenico, managers of that mill, together with their parent Vincent, since the tender age. Anciently the owner was Biagio Pietropaolo maternal grandfather of the brothers Of Tommaso, actual owners.
The mill primarily served the fractions of Fioli, Forno, Vernesca and Altovia.
it is constituted by a solo local in good state. Also the machineries are preserved in good state. Besides the millstones are still in site the box of "farinaro", "tramoggia" and "grù girevole", necessary to lift the "millstones”. The whole news concerning the management of this mill you are given by Tommaso Umberto that with pleasant courtesy has furnished so many other particularities of the grinding.
Operating up to 980 even if in the last five years only for family uses.
Last manager was Filippantonio Mario of Faieto, helped by his child Nicola.
Mario began the activity of miller in 1944, taking over to his father-in-law Brunozzi Nicola, ancient owner and ancient manager of the mill.
The mill now belongs to Filippantonio Giovanni, native of Faieto but resident in Teramo.
The mill is made of two millstones. The "corriere" is integrally covered in mud. Besides the millstones there are "casse di copertura", "farinari" and "tramogge" all in good state. The construction includes also the residence of the miller. The coverage as the masonry, are still under discreet conditions. As for the mills of Comignano and Servillo the waters of "Fiumicello" that "moved" the mill were "few." The news about the management and the ownership are been furnished by Filippantonio Nicola brother of the actual owner.
[Itinerario tratto dalla Monografia di Giorgio Liberato e Sandro Di Altobrando, “I diciotto mulini dell’Alto Tordino”, 2001]