From Cortino follow the road toward Crognaleto and the national route 80. After a curve to the left, you reach the entrance of the road for Fonte Spugna(poster). The layout conducts to square of Fonte Spugna(1180 meters), to the entry of the wood.
Take the ample path that starts close to the source and leads in the most suggestive zone of the wood. The run, signalled by white-red trail signs and orange marks, walks past of the wildlife area.
Where the run becomes level abandon the orange signs and to go down for few meters on the right up to a source that on the papers it doesn't appear. The last line conducts to a cark track that leads to Prati di Lame(1364 meters), that can represent an ideal conclusion for the walk.
If you go on this road him you will get back in the wood toward Monte Bilanciere.