The excursion start from Fanum mountain (960 ms), ancient necropolis, and it finishes to Leofara, small and suggestive suburb in the heart of Monti della Laga.
Piola valley is the first stop of the excursion , a small uninhabited suburb. Continuing in slope you find Pietra Stretta(1500 ms), here you can see the suggestive Gole del Salinello that cross the Gemelli mountain (Flowers mountain and Campli mountain) and you can visit the famous ruins of Castel Manfrino, defensive tower built in 1263 on an ancient Roman castrum. Leofara is the last stop of the excursion, is located in Valle Castellana, here you can find the hostel of Leofara, situated over thousands meters above the sea.
Technical data:
- Difficulty: Avarage
- Maximum height: 1570 m. Pietra Stretta
- Development: 40000 m.
- Duratation: 08:00:00