Absolutely to visit Castelli, the suburb of the ceramics and one of the most important places of art of Abruzzo. Here you can discover the job of the masters and their shops. You can go there through the Speedway Teramo-Mare and the A24 (gone out S. Gabriele-Colledara toward S. Gabriele) or the SS150. The presence of clay cave has favored the birth of the ceramic craftsmanship that develops with the activity of the Benedictine monks and it lives its maximum shine in the 1500. Among the families that have contributed to make all over the world Castelli famous we remember Grue, i Gentili, i Cappelletti and i Fuina. It was Carlantonio Grue to invent in the XVII sec. the"chicchera": a kind of cup for coffee. Around a km above the inhabited area rise the Church of St. Donato, small Romanesque church that guards in its ceiling treasures such as "Chapel Sistina of maiolica." Besides, from this suburb of the National Park it is possible to go through the paths and runs to the discovery of nature.
From Castelli, crossing the SP491 for 10 km, you reach Isola del Gran Sasso(415 ms s.l.m.) where there is the consecrate Sanctuary of San Gabriele dell’Addolorata, place of pilgrimage in which it is present also Museum Stauros of contemporary sacred art. Isola has often been defined Pearl of Gran Sasso for its position among Vomano and Mavone rivers. Another monument that we recommend you to visit is the Romanesque church of San Giovanni ad Insulam, where rose an ancient Benedictine monastery. Among the more known naturalistic itineraries there is the path that reaches the hermitage of Santa Colomba(1250 ms) whose chapel was blessed in 1216. The pilgrims come here every 1 September to pay tribute to the Saint. from here you can also explore the numerous paths inside the National Park of Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga. Craftsmanship, history, culture, art, faith, nature. Here you will discover the marvelous heart of Teramo!