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In the Museum, created in 1964 on the proposal of the parish priest, Father Nicola Jobbi, there are objects of common use and pieces of the local artistic craftsmanship useful to witness the works and activities that marked the daily life in the village and in the whole area.
Initially we began collecting disused objects, tools and tools, to collect, document and pass on to posterity the agro-pastoral culture that was gradually disappearing as a result of the industrialization process, which had triggered the phenomenon of emigration from mountain centers towards the great centers of the north of the country.
Over the years the museum has been enriched with new finds that have expanded the collection. Since 1984 the museum is located in the parish house and in 1988 the City Council decided to transform the museum from private collection to civic museum, with the name of "Ethnographic Museum of Popular Traditions of Cerqueto", with recognition conferred by the Abruzzo region of museum civic of local interest.
Currently the museum can boast more than a thousand pieces on show, most of which dates back to the period between the nineteenth and twentieth century but some tools and wooden artifacts date back to the eighteenth century.