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The research provided the following results

From Ceppo to Cortino
Starting from Ceppo hostel (1330 ms.) take the path "dei boscaioli" and cross it in slope coasting Fosso della Cavata (where flows the waters of Tordino sources ). You ...

From Cortino to Macchiatornella
The run begins in Cortino, from Fonte Spugna(1080 ms). Following a comfortable excavated road you reach the area of Cervo and Abetina of Cortino in which there are ...

From Cortino to Monte Fanum
Departing from Cortino hostel (1050 ms) take the path that cross Servillo, Pagliaroli and Collegilesco, it conducts to the ford of Tordino river near the old Mill of ...

L'anello di Padula
You depart from Padula (932 ms), city of Cortino, surround by Monti della Laga. Near the old mill you take Sentiero D’Italia that brings you to Ceppo, and then to ...

L’abetina di Cortino
From Cortino follow the road toward Crognaleto and the national route 80. After a curve to the left, you reach the entrance of the road for Fonte Spugna(poster). The ...

Mills of Alto Tordino
The mills of Alto Tordino have a main role in the historical and cultural patrimony of the province. They are less than an about twenty and they are located a few ...

The highlands of transhumance
Departing from Teramo go toward Montorio al Vomano crossing the S.S.80 for 800 ms in slope toward Frondarola. Once you reach Rocciano crossroad the road begins to go ...

Torricella Sicura, Cortino, Rocca San Maria, Valle Castellana
If you have had the opportunity to cross the precedent itinerary from "Giulianova to Teramo" or if you are on the coast, we recommend you to continue the trip to ...
Results 1-8 about 8